Our commitment

  • YSFR is committed to preventing, detecting, and correcting fraud, misappropriations, discrimination, sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, support of terrorism, and other wrongful conduct.
  • We want to know if you suspect, or have observed or experienced, wrongful conduct. The earlier we find out that something is going wrong in our organization, the sooner we can do something about it. We encourage you to share any concerns that you may have.
  • Any YSFR employee or volunteer, vendor, project participant, or other outside party, may use this service to report wrongful conduct.
  • All reports of wrongful conduct will be taken seriously, and an investigation will be conducted.
  • Reports may be submitted anonymously and will be kept confidential to the greatest extent possible, consistent with the need to conduct an adequate investigation.
  • We will treat disclosures of wrongful conduct seriously and protect those who raise concerns in good faith. No employee will suffer harassment or retaliation.
Step - 1/3

The type of violation reporting must be specified, such as: *

Step - 2/3

Complainant information



Step - 3/3